Select CE - Law CE for Ohio Nurses and Pharmacists
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Start remote learning today!
Update: 10/23/2023: Ohio Nurses - we now have an Online Google form with for the course 'The RaDonda Vaught Case - Lessons for Ohio Nurses' to take and pay online.
We offer a hard-copy CE booklet with an Answer Sheet that you mail in. The hard-copy CE booklets can be found in the links below, or email us and we will be happy to mail you a CE booklet!
Nurses: We US-mailed a booklet to every nurse on our mailing list on July 10, 2023. Let us know if you did not get yours, and include your address!
Pharmacists: We US-mailed a booklet to every pharmacist on our mailing list on July 18, 2023. Let us know if you did not get yours, and include your address!
We develop our CE programs specifically to meet your Board requirements! This includes ACPE-accredited pharmacy law CE (topic "03') and patient safety CE (topic "05"), and Ohio Board of Nursing accredited CE directly related to the laws and rules of the Ohio Nurse Practice Act (Category A).
- ONA Approval # 2023-000000113
- 1 contact hour
- Category A (laws and rules related to the Ohio Nurse Practice Act)
- Expires March 29, 2025
- Program fee is $15
- Link to the CE program booklet: RaDonna Case PDF
-Take the Course Online via this Google Form, payment collected via a paypal link at the end of the quiz.
ACPE-accredited CE programs in Pharmacy Law (topic "03") and Medication Safety (topic "05")
- ACPE # 0487-0000-23-001-H03-P
- 2.0 contact hours in pharmacy law
- Expiration February 13, 2026
-Program fee is $30
- Link to this CE program booklet: Cases at the DOJ and FTC PDF
- ACPE # 0487-0000-22-001-H05-P
- 2 contact hours in medication safety
- Expires January 2, 2026
- Program fee is $20
- Link to the CE program booklet: FDA Drug Safety Comm PDF
- ACPE #0487-0000-20-004-H03-P
- 1 contact hour in pharmacy law
- Expires December 9, 2023
- Program fee is $15
- Link to the CE program booklet: Pharmacy Responsibility PDF
- ACPE #0487-0000-20-005-H03-P
- 1 contact hour of pharmacy law
- Expires December 10, 2023
- Program fee is $15
- Link to the CE program booklet: DEA Red Flags PDF
P.O. Box 21186, Columbus, OH 43221-0186
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